Making the switch to two wheels can seem quite daunting, especially when setting up your first-ever motorcycle or moped insurance policy, however, we are here to help.

Starting out as a new or young rider, with little to no experience means that you will want to get the best level to cover you in all eventualities. Typically new riders' insurance also tends to be a little more expensive and comes with larger excess costs, although there are a few things you can do to try and keep the policy price down as much as possible.

In this blog, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked insurance questions when starting your journey as a new or young motorcycle or scooter rider - so without further ado, let’s get into it, shall we?

What is young riders motorcycle insurance?

We here at Lexham have two exclusive schemes that can cover not only young riders but new riders too. The Small Bike insurance scheme as well as the Moped & Scooter Scheme can both insure customers from the age of 16 on lower-capacity bikes.

However, these schemes are not only for young riders as we can also insure up to the age of 75.

What do insurers consider as a young rider?

Typically in insurance terms, ‘young riders’ are considered to be those within the 16-25 age range.

At the age of 16, you are permitted to obtain your CBT, which will allow you to ride a moped of 50cc or less that is restricted to 28mph (45km/h) - providing you have the correct insurance.

What affects the cost of motorbike insurance for young people?

The cost of your insurance policy will depend on a variety of factors such as, but not limited to:

  • Age
  • Riding history
  • Your occupation
  • Make & Model of your moped/motorbike
  • Value of the bike
  • The engine displacement of the bike (cc)
  • Where do you plan to store it overnight?
  • Type of licence you hold
  • The level of coverage

What are the different classes of motorcycle use?

When completing your insurance policy application, you will be asked how you plan to use your motorcycle. There are four different categories of motorcycle use to choose from, such as:

Social, Domestic, and Pleasure

SDP (known as Social, domestic, and pleasure) covers normal day-to-day riding activities such as going to the shops, visiting friends, or just going for a drive because you feel like it.


Commuting covers everything included in social, domestic, and pleasure as well as also providing you cover for your commute to and from one place of work on a daily basis.

Business use

If you intend to use your motorbike as part of your job, you will need business use insurance to cover you for this.

Courier and Delivery

Much like business use, if you plan on using your bike whilst working as part of a delivery service (eg. food delivery) - you will need specific delivery rider insurance for this.

What types of motorbike insurance are there for young and new riders?

When looking for motorcycle insurance when you are a young or new rider, there are three levels of coverage to choose from. Whichever one you opt for will depend on your personal lifestyle choices and daily needs.

Third Party

Third-party motorcycle insurance is the most basic form of coverage. This will cover you for any third-party damage or injury. This cover does not insure you for damages to your vehicle or injury to yourself in the event of an accident.

Third Party, Fire, and Theft

Third Party, Fire & Theft provides cover for any damages you may cause to someone else's property or person, excluding yourself from legal liability in respect of paying the damages. Further, it enables for you to claim from your own policy should your vehicle be subject to damage as a result of fire, or if it were to be stolen - whether it is recovered or not.


Fully comprehensive motorcycle insurance offers you complete coverage. You will be covered for all of the above as well as accidental damage to your vehicle due to an accident.

What extras can you add to a new riders insurance policy?

For your peace of mind, you’ll be pleased to know we here at Lexham can offer some additional extras that you can optionally add to your insurance coverage, including:

‎Can I transfer my cars no-claims bonus to my bike?

Unfortunately no, you cannot transfer your NCB from your car insurance to your motorcycle insurance. The only way you will be able to transfer your NCB is when you renew your policy on a motorcycle for another year - providing you have had no claims within the previous year.

Can you insure a 125cc without a CBT?

Your Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) certificate is what allows you to ride on the roads legally. So whilst yes you can insure it, you will not be able to legally ride it on the road until you complete your training.

However, there are a few reasons why some people may not need a CBT and can get insurance without, such as:

  • You want to ride a 50cc and you passed your driving test before 1 February 2001.
  • Wanting to ride a motorbike and have had a full moped licence since 1 December 1990.
  • Have a full motorcycle licence and want to opt for another category of bike.

Can I save money on my new riders insurance?

Whilst insurance is essential we do understand it can be quite expensive. However, this being said there are a few ways in which you can try and save yourself a few pennies such as:

  1. Opting for a lower-powered and unmodified motorbike or moped
  2. Shop around, don’t always go for the first quote you see
  3. Only pay for the insurance you really need
  4. Store it in a garage and keep it as secure as possible
  5. Building up your NCB (no claims bonus)

*If you want to know more about how you can save money on your insurance policy, head over to our how-to get cheaper motorcycle insurance and save money guide!

The Last Stop!

So there you have it, I hope you enjoyed our run down on just some of the most frequently asked questions regarding new and young riders motorcycle insurance...

Last but not least, if you are a beginner rider and are in need of insurance - make sure to get a motorcycle insurance quote direct from Lexham!