With motorcycle and scooter theft becoming more of a common occurrence, the best thing we can do is try to prevent our bikes from being stolen. 

In order to deter thieves, we need to make their lives as hard as possible, equipping your bike with the best security possible.

One thing to note is that it is always important to follow the security requirements set out in your insurance policy as a minimum. This ensures that if the worst did happen and your motorcycle was stolen, your insurance cover is valid (i.e. If you have Third-Party Fire and Theft (TPF&T) or Fully Comprehensive Insurance).

In this blog, I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding motorcycle security. So, let’s get into it, shall we…

Why do thieves steal motorcycles?

Police reports have shown that the resell of stolen motorcycles on the black market is very high.

And there is a good number of thieves that break the motorcycles down and sell parts. Taking the motorcycle apart means that it is much harder for police to recover, which is why you should invest in markers. 

If you want to know more about markers, check out our Applying Datatag Datadots to your Scooter or Motorcycle article!

Can a motorcycle easily be stolen?

Without adequate security, the short answer is yes. Police reports show that over 18,000 bikes were stolen in the past year. 

Motorcycles are more vulnerable in comparison to cars, that's why it is so important to take the best precautions to secure your motorcycle.

Without extra security measures, bikes can very quickly be lifted from the ground and loaded into a van, due to their lightweight nature. 

As such, more thought must go into locking up a motorcycle when compared to a car, you don't simply close a door and hit the lock button. 

With a Motorcycle, it is best to add additional security, such as a disc lock or chain. 

It is definitely worth acquiring security deterrents, such as a ground anchor, to secure your bike for when you are at home. 

If you’re wondering which security equipment you should invest in, check out our Motorcycle Security guide.

What is the best way to keep my motorcycle secure?

The Metropolitan Police recommend that one of the best ways to secure your motorcycle is to do all of the following:

  • Use a disc lock to help secure the front brake disc
  • Place a chain through the back wheel and/or frame
  • Attach it to a ground anchor or street furniture such as a lamp post
  • And then finally put a cover over your bike. 

The Met Police's slogan for their motorcycle security campaign is literally Lock, Chain, Cover.

By doing this, your motorcycle becomes immovable, making it harder for thieves to attempt to off and run with your motorcycle. 

How do you secure a motorcycle overnight?

The best place to store your motorcycle is to lock it inside your garage or shed if you have one.

If you have a garage, it is worth investing in a garage door defender for added protection and security. But if you don't have a garage or shed, next up will be parking it on your land and chaining it to an anchor or immovable object.

If this isn't an option, then make sure to park your bike somewhere on the street, close to your home, in a well-lit area that is covered by CCTV. 

Never leave your keys in the garage with your bike. Make sure they are locked inside your home with you, making it harder for thieves to make a quick getaway with your beloved motorcycle. 

What kind of motorcycle lock is the best?

When thinking about which locks to purchase, look out for the Thatcham approved symbol, or the Sold Secured logo. This means that the locks are industry-approved, and will offer resistance against lock picking, manipulation, and cutting.

Sold Secure locks come in Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond. Bronze gives you a basic level of protection, while diamond gives you the most resilient level. 

Are disc locks better than a chain and padlocks? ‎

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether disc locks or chains are better. 

Disc locks are a lot shorter than motorcycle chains and work in a different manner when securing your motorcycle.

Disc Locks:

Disc locks are small and easy to transport. They work by attaching to the brake disc, preventing the front wheel from moving. Though they stop the bike from being wheeled away, it does not secure the bike to anything, so thieves could quite easily lift it and put it in a van.

Motorcycle Chain:

A motorcycle chain works in a completely different fashion from a disc lock. A motorcycle chain can be put through a wheel or frame; however, it is best when the chain is wrapped around something immovable such as a lamp post or anchor. A motorcycle chain is heavier and bulkier to transport but does allow you to lock your bike to something to stop it from being lifted or wheeled away.

However, as per advice from the Met Police, why not use both?

How long should a motorcycle security chain be?

It is recommended to select a chain that runs at least 1.5m to 2m long

People are often surprised by the amount of chain you need, but when you remember it needs to wrap around a bike and an immovable object – doesn’t seem like much at all!

However, you do not want your security chain to be too long to the point it is dragging on the floor, as this can make it easier for thieves to attack or break the chain.

Are grip locks worth it?

Grip locks are a quick, easy-to-use, and visible deterrent once set up on your motorcycle.

While it may not prevent someone from picking your bike up, it locks the throttle and front brake, in a bid to prevent thieves from riding your motorcycle away into the sunset…

Again, just make sure the grip locks you purchase are Thatcham and Sold Secure approved.

What are the benefits of installing a bike alarm?

Alarms let you know immediately that your bike is being tampered with and getting a Thatcham-approved alarm can help to reduce your insurance premium in the long run. 

One thing to note however is that Met Police recommend that alarms are professionally fitted by Thatcham-approved personnel. This is because home DIY will void your bike's warranty and it is best to hire a professional to ensure the alarm is working correctly. 

For more on how security features can lower the costs of your insurance, head over to our how to get cheaper motorcycle insurance article!

Any other questions?

Do you have any other questions? Drop a comment or message us on social media and we’ll get back to you.

Alternatively, why not reach out to one of Lexham’s insurance specialists

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